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✨Hair Transplantation✨

What’s the difference between FUE and ARTAS?

The major differences is the surgeon can determine the quality of hair follicle immediately in FUE.


What’s the differences between ARTAS and FUE?

The major differences are the surgeon would be fatigue if keep focus on the tiny follicles and repeat the same movements by oneself. Once can not maintain the concentration and stability will increase the possibility of follicle destruction.


Otherwise, ARTAS machine can stay high accuracy and stability. The fastest speed can reach to obtain 1100 trunks per hour.


Would the hair fall after hair transplant?

The hair we transplant wouldn’t be attack by androgen. Which means those hair won’t be falling again as long as you stay in regular daily routine.


🔺After Hair Transplanted Surgery for 3 years 6 months

How long can the transplanted hair stay?

Those transplanted hair can last for good. But still will be affect by disease, aging and unhealthy daily routine.


🔺After Hair Transplanted Surgery for 2 years

How long it takes to see the effect?

It depends on different situations. Those who does not smoke can recover better and sooner.

Without smoking, in general, you can notice to some new-born hair in 4-6 months. In 10-12 months, the hair will be thicker.


🔺After Hair Transplanted Surgery for 1 years

How long it takes me to recover after FUE treatment?

If you don’t need to face customers, back to work one day right after surgery will be ok. The recover period about 1-2 days, way sooner than FUT.


Invasive High Low Lowest
Bleeding High Low Low
Scar Long scar X X
Technology 10-20% 1-30% 3%
Destruction rate Low Medium High
Survival rate 85% 60-90% 90-95%
Processing time 6 hours 4-8 hours Less than 6 hours
Anesthesia risk High Low Low
Back to normal activities 14-28 days 1-2 days 1-2 days
Mass hair transplant take times 1-2 times 1-3 times 1-2 times
Feeling postoperative Bad Good Good
Costs Low Medium High


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最後修改日期: 2021-04-13