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Hair Germination✨

What should I do if I keep losing hair?

The amount of losing hair between 50-100 everyday is normal. Once you notice you have unnormal hair-losing problem, ensure to consult the hair clinic and find the appropriate solution to fix it.


If I have hair loss problem, do I choose transplantation or germination?

The hair loss problem has 7 different levels. If you are in early stage, you can take hair germination treatment. If your follicles are shrinking and baldness is going worse, you can choose to undergoing transplantation and germination in the same time. To plant new follicles and strengthen the original hairs.


🔺Hair Germination Treatment for 4 months

How long does the germination takes to see the effect?

Due to different symptom each patient shows, the time would be different. But generally you can tell the result in half year!


🔺Hair Germination Treatment for 5 months


🔺Hair Germination Treatment for 3 months

🌱 Non-surgical hair germination (☝️Tap for more)

🌱 Combined treatment of hair transplant and medicine ☝️

🌱 Solve postpartum hair loss ☝️

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最後修改日期: 2021-04-13